Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Girl of the year!

Hey everyone, it's Georgia and has anyone else noticed that American girl of the year dolls, are not very good quality like all the other dolls? Like take Kanani for instance!

• When I got her I was so excited but I noticed her legs and arms were very loose and they still are!
• Kanani's hair falls out if you just brush your fingers through her hair!
• Last year on people's comments about Kanani were not the best! Like how her hair comes out! She doesn't fit into most of her clothes! She came to my house green!!!!


I didn't and don't have any problems with my other dolls!

•Now I don't have McKenna but from looking at other peoples photos, and AG's photos McKenna looks a lot like many other dolls!!!!

• Her story is so creative, but how she looks, I don't think AG really took the time about how she looks!

• One thing that's great about AG is that there pictures in the books have gotten better over the years!!!

That was just some things I shared! Please don't be mad at me or hate me and please don't leave mean comments!!!
I still love AG but I just don't think the Girl of The Year dolls have the best quality!

A few examples of McKenna below!

Love- Georgia

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